首页 > 中心资讯>【NYC课程】1月2日~1月7日健身课预告


2018年01月05日 2283


Physical Theme 体能主题

Balance | 平衡

This two weeks, the physical theme is balance,focus on walk forward on low beam. It will challenge children’s balance.


Song of  the Week 当周歌曲

Once i Saw a Little Bird

once I saw a little bird

go hop hop hop

So I said little bird

could you stop stop stop

Then I was going to the window to

say how do you do

But he shonk his little

tail and the way he flue



Game at Home 家庭亲子游戏


Gym Babies/Toddlers



Parents please let your little one sit or stand in front of you and face to you.Put their hands on the ground.Hold their hips and lift their lower body up.Let your little one touch the ground with his/her head.But please make sure there is no pressure on your little one's head and neck .This bonding game is great for your little one's blood circulation.


Gym Tots


Knee scale

Parents let your child get down on his knees with his hands on the floor.Take one leg and stretch it back straight,balancing on one knee.Parents,please help guide your child by supporting the stretched leg .Then,let them try the other hand.Knee scale is great for children's balance.


Gym Kids


Tippy toe walk

Parents, let your children stand up, then engage them to raise up on toes,and walk with T-arm.Parents can put some dots or marks to encourage child to step on.Parents,you can hold your children's balance and body control


